Short-Answer Problems True-False Problems Indicate whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F): 1. The body of a function is contained in braces. True, the body of a function is a { compound statement } 2. The parameter list (or argument list) contains all variables used by the function. False, a function can also have internal local variables and can use global variables. 3. In a call-by-value reference, a function cannot change the value of an actual parameter. True, all function arguments are passed by value. 4. A static variable is declared inside a function, but it retains its value from one reference call to another. True Multiple Choice Problems Circle the letter for the best answer to complete each statement or for the correct answer to each question. 5. Which of the following is a valid function definition statement? a. function cube(double x) b. double cube(double x) <<-- c. double cube(x) d. cube(double x) 6. In a function call, the actual parameters are separated by a. commas. <<-- b. semicolons. c. colons. d. spaces. 7. The definition of the statements in which an identifier is known (or can be used) is a. global. b. local. c. static. d. scope. <<-- Program Analysis Use the following function for Problems 8-11: /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* This function returns 0 or 1. */ int fives(int n) { /* Compute result to return. */ if ((n%5) == 0) return 1; else return 0; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------*/ 8. What is the value of fives(15); 15%5 is 0, so fives returns 1 9. What is the value of fives(26); 26%5 is 1, so fives returns 0 10. What is the value fives (ceil (sqrt (62.5))); (Hint: you don't need a calculator to determine this value.) ceil(sqrt(62.5)) ~= ceil(7.9) = 8 8%5 is 3, so fives returns 0 11. Does this function work properly for all integers? If not, what are its limitations? mod (%) does not necessarily work correctly for negative values