ECE 8473 - Assignment #6 - Due: 3 November 2022 10 November 2022

Upload source files - individual files or archive (e.g. zip, tar) - to your osp/a6 upload area.

C programs must compile with no warnings or errors using: gcc -std=c11 -pedantic -Wall

Shell scripts should run correctly using dash.

Each source file must start with a comment containing your name and a description.

  1. [20] a6/ - hex extract

    Write a shell script which extracts the modulus, prime1, and prime2 fields from the text form of an openssl RSA private key. For example:

      dash < privkey.txt > p1.out
    Hint: use a shell while loop to read lines from standard input, and use tr -d to remove unwanted characters from the input lines.

    The input privkey.txt file is available here and also in the VECR a6/ directory.

    The output should be the hex modulus, prime1, and prime2 values on three separate lines written to standard output.

    Reference: was used to create the privkey.txt file.

  2. [80] a6/p2.c - big integer add and multiply

    Design routines in C to read, add, multiply and print arbitrary size integers. Then write a main program which reads three integers representing RSA modulus, prime1, and prime2 values in hex (i.e. the output of, and prints the primes, the sum of the primes, the product of the primes, and an error message if the product of the primes is not equal to the modulus.

    Do not use any libraries except the standard C library.

    Sample usage:

      ./p2 < p1.out > p2.out
    For comparison: Python implementation

    To print a byte in hex in C use format "%02x".


Arbitrary size integers can be represented using an array of unsigned char, with each element holding one byte of the value.

Use fgets() to read a hex input line into a string, e.g. char line[BUFSIZ]; and then convert the hex string to an unsigned char array of size strlen(line)/2, converting two hex digits per byte.

Addition is performed byte-by-byte, using mod 256 and propagating the carries, for example (, ex.out):

              123  127  253                                7b 7f fd (hex)
    +         201   20   49                          +     c9 14 31
    -----------------------                          --------------
                        302 = 1*256 + 46
              123  127  253
    +         201   20   49
              324  148   46  (324 = 1*256 + 68)

              123  127  253
    +         201   20   49
    -----------------------                          --------------
         1     68  148   46                             01 44 94 2e
Multiplication is also performed byte-by-byte:
                 123     127     253
    *            201      20      49  first multiply 253 by 49 (= 12397)
                               12397  adjust mod 256 and propagate carry

12397 = 48*256+109 (i.e. 12397/256 == 48, 12397%256 == 109)

                 123     127     253
    *            201      20      49  now multiply 127 by 49 (= 6223) and add carry
                          48     109
    +                   6223
                        6271     109  adjust 6271 mod 256 and propagate carry

6271 = 24*256+127

                 123     127     253
    *            201      20      49
                  24     127     109  now multiply 123 by 49 (= 6027) and add carry
    +           6027
                6051     127     109  adjust 6051 mod 256 and propagate carry

6051 = 23*256+163

                 123     127     253
    *            201      20      49
        23       163     127     109  now multiply 253 by 20 (= 5060),
    +                   5060          shift to the left, and add 127
        23       163    5187     109  adjust 5187 mod 256 and propagate carry
Note that the carry may have to be propagated through more than just one position to the left. For example, if sum = 163 + carry > 255 then 163 is replaced with sum%256 and the remaining carry of sum/256 is propagated further.

Multiply example debug output step-by-step:

   0   0   0   0   0   0
   0   0   0   0  48 109
   0   0   0  24 127 109
   0   0  23 163 127 109
   0   0  23 183  67 109
   0   0  33 163  67 109
   0   9 189 163  67 109
   0  10 132  72  67 109
   0 110  59  72  67 109
  97   1  59  72  67 109                 61 01 3b 48 43 6d (hex)