Eniac 1950: 30 tons, 150 KW, 1 KB, 100 KHz qc today comparable to early days of classical computers in the 1950's predates me; mom developing programs by hand before Eniac,et.al. was built, vs. now using computers (information processing) to create and simulate next generation Phone 2018: 5 oz., 1 W, 4 GB, 2 GHz QC 2018: tons, KW, 20 Qubit (2**20 = 1 Mb), 1 MHz daughter QC 2050: ??? 100 years after Eniac Dwave current, multivariable function minimization, simulated annealing Ion Trap Quantum Device Two energy bands, represent 0/1, blue is applied laser, red is fluorescence Before measurement (c) is in superposition of both states One Qubit Math, model of reality, complex amplitudes, magnitude squared = probability. doesn't make sense on macroscopic scale, agrees with experiments/measurements Operations are unitary matrices, preserve norm, reversible (conjugate transpose) Single Qubit Operations 2x2 complex matrices compare with classical bit: can't do much other than NOT (X gate) Hadamard transformation: 0 -> superposition of 0 and 1 Parallelism Two Qubits 3 qubits -> 8 amplitudes, 4 qubits -> 16 amplitudes, etc. keeps doubling: 32 qubits -> 2**32 ~= 4 billion amplitudes Simulation limit: ~50 qubits with some tricks for certain problems Break 2000-bit RSA key: 4000 qubits DWave: ~2000 qubits but only adiabatic, multivariable function minimization, like simulated annealing, not general purpose independent qubits vs. entangled general normalization constraint