Quantum Computing & Cryptography  


  1. An Introduction to Quantum Computing, Without the Physics, Giacomo Nannicini, 2017 (2020). arxiv.org/abs/1708.03684

  2. Python Quantum Computing simulator, Juliana Pena, 2011. Two qubits and superdense coding protocol example. gist.github.com/limitedmage/945473

  3. Quantum Computing Emulation, R. Perry, 2018-2020. fog.misty.com/perry/qce/notes.html

Hackers of the Future

Already planning attacks on quantum computers:

  1. An entangling-probe attack on Shor's algorithm for factorization, Hiroo Azuma, 2017. arxiv.org/abs/1705.00271 : an attacker can steal an exact solution of Shor's algorithm outside an institute where the quantum computer is installed if he replaces its initialized quantum register with entangled qubits.