Quantum Computing Simulation and Visualization  

Measuring Entanglement - Theory


  • trace distance = 0 for no entanglement, 1 for max entanglement = 1-fidelity


  • fidelity = (|<A,B>|/(||A||*||B||))2

    where A (B) is the reduced state with qubit k equal to 0 (1)


  • If qubit k is not entangled with any of the other qubits,

    then the reduced state A should be the same as the reduced state B,

    i.e. the reduced state should be independent of qubit k.


  • <A,B>/(||A||*||B||)) is the cosine of the angle between vectors A and B.


  • A and B represent the same state if the angle is 0 or 180 degrees,

    which corresponds to the cosine having a magnitude squared value of 1.