10. Symbols

User-defined variables are stored in a symbol table.

Cell references in symbol formulas are fixed since there is no destination cell reference. Relative cell references in symbol formulas (e.g. r[1]c[2]) are relative to cell A0, and so are equivalent to fixed references (e.g. r1c2).

Note that cell names can not be used as symbols.


% cat syms.ss

pi = 4*atan(1);
d2r = d*pi/180;
d = 90;
a = 29;
a0 = pi;
ca = a0;
b0 = ca;
eval; print all;

% ss < syms.ss
  pi = 4*atan(1) = 3.14159
  d2r = (d*pi)/180 = 1.5708
  d = 90
  a = 29
  ca = A0 = 3.14159
  $1 = ((2*3)*4)*5 = 120
	A	B
0	pi	ca
	A	B
0	3.14	3.14
For unnamed expressions such as 2*3*4*5 above, names $1, $2, etc. are automatically generated. These auto-names are for reference only and can not be used explicitly in any formulas or expressions.