Batch SpreadSheet
ss version 1.07 2014-06-26

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

SS is a batch spreadsheet processor for C programmers. It produces a spreadsheet display from plain text input files, similar to the way documents are created using LaTeX. The resulting display is not interactive. A shell script front-end is also provided for preprocessing (using the C preprocessor) and post-processing to generate HTML or graphics output.

SS includes all of the numeric operators from the C programming language, with the same syntax, precedence, and associativity as C. It also includes all of the functions from the C90 (ANSI/ISO 9899:1990) standard library math.h, all of the non-complex functions from the C99 standard library tgmath.h, as well as other numeric and range functions. It allows cycles and non-convergent iterative formulas.

2. Input and Output

SS reads input from files specified on the command line, or from standard input if no file names are specified. The pseudo input file name "-" can also be used to explicitly specify reading standard input. All of the input is filtered through the C preprocessor. All formulas and commands must be terminated with a semicolon.

Output goes to standard output by default, but can be redirected globally using the output command, or redirected on a per-command basis using the plot and print commands. "stdout" and "-", with or without quotes, can be used as pseudo output file names to refer to standard output.

The spreadsheet row/column output begins with a line starting with a tab followed by the column headings separated by tabs. Then, for each row, the output begins a new line starting with the row number followed by a tab followed by the cell values (or formulas or pointers) separated by tabs.

For plotting, the output consists of one or two (plot2d) or three (plot3d) columns of numbers, preceded by a line starting with a tab.

3. Command-line Options

The spreadsheet is normally run using the SS shell script which invokes the C preprocessor (to handle #include and #define directives, and remove comments) and has options related to post-processing for generating HTML and plot output. The ss compiled executable itself has options for debugging and setting the size of the spreadsheet array. The executable can be run directly if pre- and post-processing are not needed.

Both SS and ss support the -h, --help command-line option which displays a usage summary to standard error:

Usage: SS [-H|--HTML|--html] [-T|--Table|--table] [-t|--title title]
  [-Dmacro[=defn]...] [-p|-p2|--plot|--plot2d|-p3|--plot3D] [-x|--xlabel xlabel]
  [-y|--ylabel ylabel] [-z|--zlabel zlabel] [ss options...] [file...]
Usage: ss [-h|--help] [-d|--debug] [-v|--verbose] [--version]
  [-r|--rows #rows] [-c|--cols #cols]
The default number of rows (1000) and columns (702) in the spreadsheet may be overridden using the -r and -c options. The -v or --verbose option displays the row and column index ranges:
% SS -v < /dev/null
ss: rows 0...999, cols 0...701 (A...ZZ)
% SS -c 10000 --verbose < /dev/null
ss: rows 0...999, cols 0...9999 (A...NTP)

The -x, -y, -z options set the x, y, z axis labels for plot output. Gnuplot is used to produce plots.

The -T option produces HTML table output without any <html>, <head>, or <body> tags, suitable for embedding in an HTML document.

The -t option sets the title for HTML or plot output.

When producing HTML output, -DHTML=1 is passed to the C preprocessor, so the HTML macro can be used for conditional compilation in your spreadsheet code. Additional macros may be defined using the -D option.

See also:

Bank Balance Example

4. Cells - A0 Format

In A0 format, cells are specified by their column (one or more letters, case-insensitive) and row (one or more digits), with an optional '$' preceding the column and/or row value to indicate that the cell is fixed.

The column value represents an integer column number as follows for the default spreadsheet size:

  letters  A  B  C ...  Z  AA  AB  AC ... AZ  BA  BB  BC ... BZ  ...  ZZ
  integer  0  1  2 ... 25  26  27  28 ... 51  52  53  54 ... 77  ... 701
Example cell specifications:
  a2     - relative
  $a2    - fixed column, relative row
  aa$31  - fixed row, relative column
  $b$100 - fixed row, fixed column
When copying formulas, relative cell references remain relative to the destination cells, and fixed references remain fixed.


  b1 = 10*a1 + $d$0;
  copy b2:b5 b1:b4;
  print b1:b5 formulas;
  1       (10*A1)+$D$0
  2       (10*A2)+$D$0
  3       (10*A3)+$D$0
  4       (10*A4)+$D$0
  5       (10*A5)+$D$0

5. Cells - RC/CR Formats

In RC and CR formats, cells are specified by their row and column numbers, using the letters R and C (or r, c), with brackets around relative offsets.

For example, relative to cell D2:

  r0C0      - fixed row 0, fixed column 0 (same as C0R0 or A0)
  R1c2      - fixed row 1, fixed column 2 (same as C2R1 or C1)
  C[-2]R[]  - relative column -2, same row, i.e. B2, relative to D2
  R[-2]C[0] - relative row -2, same column, i.e. D0, relative to D2
  R[1]C[+1] - relative row +1, relative column +1, i.e. E3, relative to D2
  R[]C[]    - relative row and column, no offsets, i.e. D2 relative to D2
The format command can be used to change the format for printing formulas from A0 (the default) to RC or CR.


  b1 = 10*a1 + $d$0;
  copy b2:b5 b1:b4;
  format RC; print b1:b5 formulas;
  1       (10*R[]C[-1])+R0C3
  2       (10*R[]C[-1])+R0C3
  3       (10*R[]C[-1])+R0C3
  4       (10*R[]C[-1])+R0C3
  5       (10*R[]C[-1])+R0C3

6. Ranges

A range consists of two cells, the start and end cells of the range, separated by a colon.

For example, A0:B9 (or A0:C1R9, or R0C0:R9C1, or C0R0:R9C1, etc.) specifies a range including rows 0 to 9 of columns A and B. The range start and end values do not have to be in increasing order; B9:A0, B0:A9, and A9:B0 all refer to the same group of cells as A0:B9, but correspond to different directions for traversing the range. For example the command copy a0:a9 b9:b0 would copy column b to a in reverse order.

By default, ranges are traversed byrows to improve cache performance, since elements in a row are adjacent in memory. That is, in pseudo-code:

  for row = start_row to end_row
    for col = start_col to end_col
      use cell[row,col]
The bycols option can be used globally or with various commands (copy, eval, fill, etc.) to cause evaluation by columns. That is, in pseudo-code:
  for col = start_col to end_col
    for row = start_row to end_row
      use cell[row,col]
Note that the starting row may be less than, equal to, or greater than the ending row. Same for columns. So a range may consist of a single cell, row, or column (a0:a0, a0:d0, a0:a4), cells in "increasing" order (a0:b4), or cells in "partial decreasing" order (a4:b0, b0:a4), or cells in "decreasing" order (b4:a0).

A range basically represents a list of cells, and is explicitly converted to a list when used as a numeric function argument.

A range consisting of a single cell may be specified using just that one cell, e.g. A0 as a range is the same as A0:A0.

7. Dynamic Cell References

Cell(c,r) creates a dynamic reference to a cell using expressions for the column and row. In contrast, the numeric function cell(c,r) produces the value of a cell. So, for example, if B1 is 9, cell("b",1) produces 9 whereas Cell("b",1) produces B1 as though you had typed B1 there. For both Cell and cell, the column is specified as a numeric expression, or as a literal string, or as a cell or symbol containing a string.

Cell can be used anywhere that cells are used, including range specifications, like m = max(Cell(1+a0,2*b1):c4); and Cell(1,0):Cell(N,0) = { expr_list... };

Except when used in the Copy command, Cell is evaluated once when it occurs, so it produces a static cell reference, but does so dynamically using row and column values which may be based on results computed in the spreadsheet. In the Copy command, Cell is evaluated separately for each destination cell, so any formulas in Cell are relative to the destination cell.

Example using Cell, Copy, copy, etc. with formulas and strings:

% cat
b1:b3 = { 0, 1, 2};  b0:g0 = { 4, 8, 12, "abc", "efg", "xyz" };
// b1:b3 will be used as column indices into b0:g0
//                        // equivalents:
Copy a2:a4 Cell(1+b1,0);  //  copy a2:a4 b0:d0;
copy a6:a8 Cell(1+b1,0);  //  copy a6:a8 b0;
b6:b8 = { Cell(1+b1,0) }; //  b6:b8 = { b0 };
c6:c8 = { cell(1+b1,0) }; //  c6:c8 = { b0, c0, d0 };
Copy c2:c4 Cell(4+b1,0);  //  copy c2:c4 e0:g0;
copy d2:d4 Cell(4+b1,0);  //  copy d2:d4 e0;
e2:e4 = { Cell(4+b1,0) }; //  e2:e4 = { e0 };
f2:f4 = { cell(4+b1,0) }; //  f2:f4 = { e0, f0, g0 };
eval; format "%g"; reset a9; print all;
% SS

	A	B	C	D	E	F	G
0		4	8	12	"abc"	"efg"	"xyz"
1		0
2	4	1	"abc"	"abc"	E0	cell((4+B1),0)
3	8	2	"efg"	"abc"	E1	cell((4+B2),0)
4	12		"xyz"	"abc"	E2	cell((4+B3),0)
6	4	B0	cell((1+B1),0)
7	4	B1	cell((1+B2),0)
8	4	B2	cell((1+B3),0)
	A	B	C	D	E	F	G
0		4	8	12	abc	efg	xyz
1		0
2	4	1	abc	abc	0	0
3	8	2	efg	abc	0	0
4	12		xyz	abc	0	0
6	4	4	4
7	4	0	8
8	4	1	12
An example application assigning student letter grades:
% cat
b0:b3 = { 71, 92, 66, 83 };
a5:a8 = { "A", "B", "C", "F" };
Copy a0:a3 Cell( "a", 4 + (b0 >= 90 ? 1 : b0 >= 80 ? 2 : b0 >= 70 ? 3 : 4));
% SS

	A	B
0	C	71.00
1	A	92.00
2	F	66.00
3	B	83.00
5	A
6	B
7	C
8	F
See also:

While Loop Example

8. Spans

A span refers to a set of contiguous columns (colspan) or rows (rowspan), and consists of two values, the start and end values of the set, separated by a colon. Spans are only used by the format, hide, and show commands.

A colspan may be specified using column letters, or column numbers preceeded with the letter C (or c). For example, b:d, d:b, c1:3 and c3:1 are all equivalent and specify columns B, C, D.

A rowspan is specified using row numbers, optionally preceeded with the letter R (or r). For example, r2:4, r4:2, 2:4, and 4:2 are all equivalent and specify rows 2, 3, 4.

9. Primitive Data Types

The SS primitive data types are:

double precision floating point

All numeric calculations are performed and stored using double precision floating point.

The cast operators, (int) and (long), can be used to truncate an expression to integral form, and the resulting integer will be stored using double precision floating point.


A string is a sequence of characters enclosed in 'single' or "double" quotes. No escape sequences are recognized. Adjacent strings are concatenated into one string. If a string occurs in a numeric calculation it is treated as having the value 0.0


The built-in constants are:
  HUGE_VAL = inf
  DBL_EPSILON = 2.22045e-16
  RAND_MAX = 2147483647
The values of the constants may vary depending on the system. To check the values of the constants use commands help or print constants.
Undefined cells are treated as having the value 0.0

10. Symbols

User-defined variables are stored in a symbol table.

Cell references in symbol formulas are fixed since there is no destination cell reference. Relative cell references in symbol formulas (e.g. r[1]c[2]) are relative to cell A0, and so are equivalent to fixed references (e.g. r1c2).

Note that cell names can not be used as symbols.


% cat

pi = 4*atan(1);
d2r = d*pi/180;
d = 90;
a = 29;
a0 = pi;
ca = a0;
b0 = ca;
eval; print all;

% ss <
  pi = 4*atan(1) = 3.14159
  d2r = (d*pi)/180 = 1.5708
  d = 90
  a = 29
  ca = A0 = 3.14159
  $1 = ((2*3)*4)*5 = 120
	A	B
0	pi	ca
	A	B
0	3.14	3.14
For unnamed expressions such as 2*3*4*5 above, names $1, $2, etc. are automatically generated. These auto-names are for reference only and can not be used explicitly in any formulas or expressions.

11. Operators

SS includes all of the numeric operators from C, with the same precedence, associativity, and meaning.

SS also includes operators ** for exponentiation, ^^ for logical XOR, => for logical implication, <=> for logical equivalence, and the logical assignment operators &&=, ^^=, and ||=.

The keywords NOT, AND, XOR, OR, IMP, and EQU, case-insensitive, may also be used to represent the logical operators.

SS does not include the C array, structure, and pointer operators.

The operators are:

  ()            parentheses, (expr)
  ++            postfix increment, x++
  --            postfix decrement, x--
  ++            prefix increment, ++x
  --            prefix decrement, --x
  -             unary minus
  +             unary plus
  ~             bitwise NOT
  !             logical NOT
  NOT           logical NOT
  (int)         cast
  (long)        cast
  (double)      cast
  **            exponentiation, x**y == pow(x,y)
  *             multiplication
  /             division
  %             mod, x%y == fmod(x,y)
  +             addition
  -             subtraction
  <<            shift left, x<<y == x*2**y
  >>            shift right, x>>y == x/2**y
  <             less than
  <=            less than or equal
  >             greater than
  >=            greater than or equal
  ==            equal
  !=            not equal
  &             bitwise AND
  ^             bitwise XOR
  |             bitwise OR
  &&            logical AND
  AND           logical AND
  ^^            logical XOR
  XOR           logical XOR
  ||            logical OR
  OR            logical OR
  =>            logical implication
  IMP           logical implication
  <=>           logical equivalence
  EQU           logical equivalence
  ?:            conditional operator, e1 ? e2 : e3
  =             assignment
  *=            multiplication assignment
  /=            division assignment
  %=            mod assignment
  +=            addition assignment
  -=            subtraction assignment
  <<=           shift left assignment
  >>=           shift right assignment
  &=            bitwise AND assignment
  ^=            bitwise XOR assignment
  |=            bitwise OR assignment
  &&=           logical AND assignment
  ^^=           logical XOR assignment
  ||=           logical OR assignment
  ,             comma operator
The bit shift operators <<, <<=, >>, and >>= are implemented for floating-point using ldexp() to adjust the binary exponent by the specified power of 2. For the other bitwise operators, the floating-point operands are converted to long integers to perform the operations.

For the logical operators, zero is false and anything non-zero is true. The result of a logical or comparison operation is 0 or 1. So, for example, 7==3 produces 0, but 7<=>3 produces 1.

Operator associativity is left-to-right (LR) or right-to-left (RL). The following table lists all of the operators in decreasing order of precedence:

  Assoc.  Operators
  ------  ---------
  LR      ()  ++  --  {postfix}
  RL      !   ~   ++  --  +  -  (cast)
  RL      **
  LR      *   /   %
  LR      +   -
  LR      <<  >>
  LR      <   <=  >  >=
  LR      ==  !=
  LR      &
  LR      ^
  LR      |
  LR      &&
  LR      ^^
  LR      ||
  LR      =>
  LR      <=>
  RL      ?:
  RL      =  +=  -=  *=  /=  %=  &=  ^=  |=  &&=  ^^=  ||=  <<=  >>=
  LR      ,

12. Numeric Functions

The numeric functions include all of the functions from the C90 standard library math.h, all of the non-complex functions from C99 tgmath.h (i.e. all except carg, cimag, conj, cproj, and creal), as well as rand from stdlib.h, time from time.h, and the scaled pseudo-random number generators drand, irand, and nrand.

Most of the numeric functions take one expression argument and return one value. A few of the functions take no arguments (drand, nrand, rand, time, row, col), and some take two or three arguments. frexp, modf, and remquo can return two values.

The numeric functions are:

  acos          arc cosine
  acosh         inverse hyperbolic cosine
  asin          arc sine
  asinh         inverse hyperbolic sine
  atan          two-quadrant arctangent
  atan2         four-quadrant arctangent, atan2(y,x) ~= atan(y/x)
  atanh         inverse hyperbolic tangent
  cbrt          cube root
  ceil          ceiling
  cell          cell(c,r) == value of cell from column c row r
  col           cell column number
  copysign      copy sign of a number
  cos           cosine
  cosh          hyperbolic cosine
  drand         pseudo-random double, 0.0 <= drand() < 1.0
  erf           error function
  erfc          complementary error function
  exp           exponential
  exp2          base-2 exponential
  expm1         exponential minus 1, expm1(x) == exp(x) - 1
  fabs          absolute value
  fdim          positive difference
  floor         floor
  fma           floating-point multiply and add
  fmax          maximum of two values
  fmin          minimum of two values
  fmod          mod, x%y == fmod(x,y)
  frexp         extract fraction and exponent, {f,e} = frexp(x)
  hypot         Euclidean distance
  ilogb         extract exponent
  irand         pseudo-random integer, 0 <= irand(i) <= i-1
  ldexp         ldexp(x,e) produces x * (2**e)
  lgamma        log gamma function
  llrint        round to nearest integer
  llround       round to nearest integer
  log           natural logarithm
  log10         base 10 logarithm
  log1p         logarithm of 1 plus argument, log1p(x) == log(1+x)
  log2          base 2 logarithm
  logb          extract exponent
  lrint         round to nearest integer
  lround        round to nearest integer
  modf          extract fraction and integral parts, {f,i} = modf(x)
  nearbyint     round to nearest integer
  nextafter     nextafter(x,y) == next value following x in the direction of y
  nexttoward    nexttoward(x,y) == next value following x in the direction of y
  nrand         pseudo-random normal (Gaussian) -6.0 <= nrand() < 6.0
  pow           exponentiation, x**y == pow(x,y)
  rand          pseudo-random integer, 0 <= rand() <= RAND_MAX
  remainder     remainder(x,y) == remainder of dividing x by y
  remquo        remainder and part of quotient, {r,q} = remquo(x,y)
  rint          round to nearest integer
  round         round to nearest integer
  row           cell row number
  scalbln       scalbln(x,e) produces x * (FLT_RADIX**e)
  scalbn        scalbn(x,e) produces x * (FLT_RADIX**e)
  sin           sine
  sinh          hyperbolic sine
  sqrt          square root
  tan           tangent
  tanh          hyperbolic tangent
  tgamma        gamma function
  time          time in seconds since 00:00:00 UTC, January 1, 1970
  trunc         round to integer, towards zero

The pseudo-random number generator functions are initialized using srand(time()) when the program is run, but you can reinitialize using the srand command.

nrand is a simple approximate truncated Gaussian distribution computed as the sum of 12 uniform samples minus 6.

cell enables run-time evaluation of cell locations using expressions for the column and row. The column is specified as a numeric expression, or as a literal string, or as a cell or symbol containing a string, so the following three examples are equivalent:

  a0 = cell( "b", c0+2);  // e.g. a0 = b3, if c0 == 1

  a0 = cell( a1, c0+2); a1 = "b";

  a0 = cell( 1, c0+2); // "b" is column 1

13. Range Functions

Range functions take an argument list of expressions and ranges and return one or more values.

The range functions are:

  avg           average of the defined cells
  count         number of cells defined
  dot           dot product (inner product) of two ranges
  feval         val=feval("type",cr,x), evaluate parameterized function
  find          {n,cr}=find(xr,value), find value in range
  llsq          {rank,cr}=llsq("type",xr,yr), linear least squares
  majority      non-zero if majority of defined cells are non-zero
  max           maximum of the defined cells
  min           minimum of the defined cells
  prod          product of the defined cells
  search        {xr}=search(f,x0[,dx[,x1...xN]]), search for minimum of f(xr)
  stats         {a,s,l,h}=stats(...), avg, stdev, min, and max of the defined cells
  stdev         standard deviation of the defined cells
  sum           sum of the defined cells
  var           variance of the defined cells
Additional information:
dot      dot product (inner product) of two ranges

The dot product dot(x,y) is the sum of the pairwise products of the elements of the x and y ranges, which must have the same size:
  dot(x,y) = x0 y0 + x1 y1 + x2 y2 + ...
feval    val=feval("type",cr,x), evaluate parameterized function

The function is evaluated at the point x using parameters specified by the range cr.

Available function types are:


A polynomial in the following form:
  c0 + c1 x + c2 x2 + c3 x3 + ...
The polynomial is evaluated using Horner's rule. For example, using 4 coefficients:
  c0 + x*(c1 + x*(c2 + x*c3))
(When other function types are implemented they will be documented here)

find     {n,cr}=find(xr,value), find value in range

Finds column and row positions which contain the specified value.

Searches the defined cells in the range xr and produces a count n of how many cells match the specified value. The column and row positions of the matching cells are stored in the cr result range, if it is specified. The extent of the range filled is determined by the number of matches rather than by the size of the range. The end cell of the range determines only the direction for traversing the range. This is similar to the fill...{ expr_list } command.

If cr is specified, it must consist of two rows or two columns, in order to store the column and row pair values in adjacent cells. If cr has two rows and two columns, the default direction (byrows or bycols) is used to store the results; otherwise, if cr has two rows the result pairs are stored by columns and if it has two columns they are stored by rows.


% cat
d1:e3 = { 66, 99, 66, 66, 99, 77 };
{a0,a1:b2} = find( d1:e3, 99);
{a4,a5:a6} = find( d1:e3, 66);
eval; format "%g"; format CR; print;
% SS

	0	1	2	3	4
0	2
1	4	1		66	99
2	3	3		66	66
3				99	77
4	3
5	3	3	4
6	1	2	2

llsq     {rank,cr}=llsq("type",xr,yr), linear least squares

Solves for the least square error approximation for y as a function of x.

If type is "data", then no basis functions are used, and y is approximated as a direct linear combination of the data with coefficients specified by the range cr:

  y = c0 x0 + c1 x1 + c2 x2 + ...
The xr input data range size must equal the product of the sizes of cr and yr.

If type is not "data", then y is approximated using a linear combination of basis functions f0, f1, f2, ...:

  y = c0 f0(x) + c1 f1(x) + c2 f2(x) + ...
In this case, the xr and yr input data ranges must be the same size.

The result coefficients are stored in cr, so the size of that range determines the number of data points or basis functions to be used in the approximation for each y value.

The return value is the rank of the matrix which is constructed to solve for the coefficients, as determined by a singular value decomposition.

Available basis function types are:


The polynomial basis functions are: 1, x, x2, x3, ...

(When other basis function types are implemented they will be documented here)

search   {xr}=search(f,x0[,dx[,x1...xN]]), search for minimum of f(xr)

Determines values for the N elements of range xr which minimize the function defined by the cell or symbol formula f. Uses the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm for unconstrained non-linear function minimization.

x0 specifies the initial value for xr. Optionally, dx specifies step sizes used to create the initial simplex, and x1...xN specifies the initial simplex vertices. If x1...xN are specified then dx is only used for restarts. If dx is not specified then a default step size of +10% in each direction is used. x0, dx, and x1...xN may be expression lists or ranges.

The following variables can be used to modify the tolerances and limits used by search:

  symbol name           default value     description
  -----------           -------------     -----------
  search_func_limit         200*N         limit on number of function evaluations
  search_func_tol           10-4          function tolerance
  search_size_tol           10-4          simplex size tolerance
  search_cond_check         5*N           how often to check condition number
  search_cond_limit         104           limit on condition number for restart
The search terminates successfully when the difference between the highest and lowest function values is less than or equal to search_func_tol and the simplex size (a measure of the deviation in the xr values) is less than or equal to search_size_tol. The search terminates unsuccessfully and displays a warning if the number of function evaluations reaches search_func_limit.

In some cases the search algorithm can get stuck and converge to a non-minimum point. This behavior can be detected by monitoring the condition number of the matrix of simplex directions, checking it every search_cond_check iterations. If the condition number exceeds search_cond_limit then the search is restarted using orthogonal steps around the current lowest point.

Search Tips:

To maximize a function, define the formula to be the negative of the desired function.

To find a zero of a function, define the formula to be the absolute value of the desired function.

If the formula is defined in a symbol and search produces warnings about cyclic dependencies, try defining the formula in a cell instead.

For debugging, set debug on to cause search to produce detailed output as it proceeds.

14. Multiple Assignments

A range may be assigned using a list of expressions with the following syntax:
  range = { e1, e2, ... }
If the list contains fewer elements than the range being assigned, the list will be traversed more than once. If the list contains too many elements a warning message will be displayed. The list can contain empty elements to skip the associated cell assignments:
% cat

a0:c2 = { 1, , 3, 4,, 6};
print values;

% ss <
	A	B	C
0	1.00		3.00
1	4.00		6.00
2	1.00		3.00

Some functions can return more than one value. The syntax for assigning multiple return values uses braces for grouping:

  { r1, r2, ... } = func(...)
where r1, r2, etc. may be symbols, cells, or ranges. For example:
  { f, e} = frexp( a);              // get fraction and exponent

  { a0, s, c0:d0} = stats( g0:g9);  // get avg, stdev, min, and max

  { c0:d0} = stats( g0:g9);         // just get avg and stdev

  {a0} = stats( g0:g9);             // just get avg, formula is in cell a0

   a0  = stats( g0:g9);             // same as above
Formulas which use multiple return values are stored in the symbol table, and are evaluated whenever the symbol table is evaluated. They are automatically named $1, $2, etc.

15. Commands

Unlike formulas, which are stored and evaluated later, commands are not stored and are executed immediately.

Numeric expressions in command arguments are evaluated in dependency order.

SS commands are:

  byrows|bycols - set default direction
  copy [byrows|bycols] dest_range src_range
  Copy [byrows|bycols] dest_range Cell(c,r)
  debug [on|off|level]
  eval [byrows|bycols] [range|symbols] [number_of_iterations]
  fill [byrows|bycols] range - truth-table
  fill [byrows|bycols] range start_expr [,increment_expr] - linear scale
  Fill [byrows|bycols] range start_expr [,ratio_expr] - geometric scale
  fill [byrows|bycols] range { expr_list }
  fill [byrows|bycols] range "fmt", "start", increments... - date/time
  format A0|RC|CR - formula printing format
  format [col|row|colspan|rowspan|cell|range]... "fmt_string"
  format symbols [sym]... "fmt_string"
  headers on|off
  help - print list of operators, functions, commands and constants
  help ["what"] - print help matching string
  hide all|col|row|colspan|rowspan|cell|range... - hide cols or rows
  hide symbols all|sym... - hide symbols
  output "fname" - redirect output to a file
  plot|plot2d|plot3d ["fname"] [byrows|bycols] [range]
  print ["fname"] [byrows|bycols] [range] [all|constants|...
  reset [range|symbols] - set formulas to unevaluated state
  show all|col|row|colspan|rowspan|cell|range... - unhide cols or rows
  show symbols all|sym... - unhide symbols
  sort [byrows|bycols] range [uniq [count]] - sort values
  srand expr - initialize the pseudo-random number generator
  while(expr) { commands... } - repeat commands
Additional information:
copy   [byrows|bycols]   dest_range   src_range

If the source range contains fewer elements than the destination it will be traversed more than once. If the source range contains too many elements a warning message will be displayed. A more general way of assigning a range is using a multiple assignment as discussed in the previous section, for example A1:A9 = { A0 };

Copy   [byrows|bycols]   dest_range   Cell(r,c)

Copies formulas to the destination range dynamically from the specified cells. See the section on Dynamic Cell References for more information and examples.

eval   [byrows|bycols]   [range|symbols]

If the number of iterations is not specified, then the cells and/or symbols are evaluated in dependency order. This will fail and display an error message if any cyclic dependencies are encountered.

If no range or symbols options are specified, then all of the cells and symbols are evaluated. If range or symbols options are specified, then only that range and/or the symbols are evaluated, in dependency order, which can cause evaluations to occur outside of the specified range if there are dependencies outside of that range.

The cells and/or symbols which are evaluated in dependency order are set to the evaluated state. This means that their formulas will not be reevaluated by subsequent dependency evaluations unless they are first reset to the unevaluated state using the reset command.

eval   [byrows|bycols]   [range|symbols]   number_of_iterations

If the number of iterations is specified, then the cells and/or symbols will be evaluated up to that number or iterations or until convergence. The state of formulas (evaluated or unevaluated) is ignored and not changed by this type of evaluation.

If no range or symbols options are specified, then each iteration will first evaluate the symbol table, then evaluate the cells twice: first starting at the top-left corner of the cells being used and traversing the range to the bottom-right corner of the cells being used; then again starting at the bottom-right corner and traversing to the top-left corner.

If only the symbols option is specified, then only the symbol table is evaluated.

If only a range is specified, then only that range is evaluated, in the default or specified direction (byrows or bycols), for the specified number of iterations.

If the symbols option and a range are both specified, then the symbol table and range are both evaluated, in the specified order, for the specified number of iterations. For example, eval a0:a1 symbols 2; is equivalent to eval a0:a1 1; eval symbols 1; eval a0:a1 1; eval symbols 1;

fill   [byrows|bycols]   range   - truth-table

Fill a range with constant 0,1 values suitable as inputs for a truth-table. For example, fill a0:c7; produces 8 rows and 3 columns representing the 8 possible 3-bit values:
        A       B       C
0       0       0       0
1       0       0       1
2       0       1       0
3       0       1       1
4       1       0       0
5       1       0       1
6       1       1       0
7       1       1       1
Logic example showing AND, OR, IMP, alternative forms for IMP (e.g. A=>B is the same as A<=B if A,B ∈ {0,1}), and conversion to F,T strings:

% cat

fill a0:b0 { "A", "B", "A&&B", "A||B", "A=>B", "!A||B", "A<=B" }; // headers
fill a1:b4; c1:g4 = { a1&&b1, a1||b1, a1=>b1, !a1||b1, a1<=b1 }; // 0,1 truth tables
c6 = "A<=>B"; h1:h2 = { "F", "T" }; Copy a7:b10 Cell( "h", 1+a1);
Copy c7:c10 Cell( "h", 1+(a1<=>b1)); // F,T truth table
eval; headers off; format "%g"; print;
% SS

A	B	A&&B	A||B	A=>B	!A||B	A<=B
0	0	0	0	1	1	1	F
0	1	0	1	1	1	1	T
1	0	0	1	0	0	0
1	1	1	1	1	1	1


fill   [byrows|bycols]   range   start_expr   [,increment_expr]   - linear scale

Fill a range with constant values, starting with the start expression value, and increasing by the increment expression value for subsequent cells. The start and increment expressions are evaluated only once, before filling starts. If the increment is not specified it defaults to 0.

Fill   [byrows|bycols]   range   start_expr   [,ratio_expr]   - geometric scale

Fill a range with constant values, starting with the start expression value, and multiplying by the ratio expression value for subsequent cells. The start and ratio expressions are evaluated only once, before filling starts. If the ratio is not specified it defaults to 1.

fill   [byrows|bycols]   range   { expr_list }

Fill a range using a list of expressions. Unlike the range assignment statement, the fill command always uses each of the expressions in the list exactly once, so the extent of the range filled is determined by the length of the expression list rather than by the size of the specified range. The end cell of the range determines only the direction for traversing the range.

fill   [byrows|bycols]   range   "fmt",   "start",   increments...   - date/time

Fill a range with date/time strings, using strftime() with the specified format. The start value can be in the form "YYYY-MM-DD" or "HH:MM:SS" or "YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS". Defaults for omitted start date or time values are "2000-01-01" and "12:00:00".

Depending on the form of the start value, the increments are specified in years, months, days, or hours, minutes, seconds, or both:

"YYYY-MM-DD", year_inc[,month_inc[,day_inc]]
"HH:MM:SS", hour_inc[,min_inc[,sec_inc]]
"YYYY-MM-DD:HH:MM:SS", year_inc[,month_inc[,day_inc[hour_inc[,min_inc[,sec_inc]]]]]
The increment expressions are evaluated only once, before filling starts.

Examples (, date_time.out):

                                           // fill column with:
fill a0:a9 "%Y", "2012-01-01", 1;          //  years
fill b0:b15 "%Y-%m", "2011-11-01", 0, 1;   //  months "YYYY-MM"
fill c0:c9 "%m/%d", "2011-12-29", 0, 0, 1; //  days "MM/DD"
fill d0:d12 "%H:%M", "11:15:00", 0, 15;    //  time "HH:MM"

format   A0|RC|CR   -   formula printing format

The format A0, RC, and CR options specify the format used for printing formulas.

format   [col|row|colspan|rowspan|cell|range]...   "fmt_string"

For printing spreadsheet values, the format can be set globally or for a specific list of columns, rows, colspans, rowspans, cells, and/or ranges. The default global format is "%.2f".

If a cell is not assigned a format, and evaluation is byrows (the default), printing will use the cell's row format, if set; otherwise it will use the cell's column format, if set; otherwise it will use the global format.

If a cell is not assigned a format, and evaluation is bycols, printing will use the cell's column format, if set; otherwise it will use the cell's row format, if set; otherwise it will use the global format.

format   symbols   [sym]...   "fmt_string"

For printing symbol values, the format can be set globally or for a specific list of symbols.

Example: format symbols a, pi, x, coeff "%12.5f";

The default symbol format is "%g".

headers   on|off

Display of row and column headers can be controlled by the headers command.

hide   all|col|row|colspan|rowspan|cell|range...  

Specify columns and rows which will not be displayed by the print and plot commands. For cell and range arguments, the command applies to all of the columns and rows associated with the cell or range.

The following examples are all equivalent:

  hide b, c, d, 2, 3, 4;
  hide b d 2 4 c 3;
  hide b:d, 2:4;
  hide d:b, 4:2;
  hide c1:3, r2:4;
  hide c3:1, r4:2;
  hide b2, c3, d4;
  hide b2:d4;
Note that after using hide all; a command like show b:d; will not show anything since all of the rows are still hidden.

plot|plot2d|plot3d   ["fname"]   [byrows|bycols]   [range]

The plot commands do not actually plot anything, they simply display output in a form suitable for plotting to be used in conjunction with the plot command-line options.

The plot and plot2d commands are basically the same as headers off; print; except that string values are printed as zeros and all other values are printed with "%g" format regardless of any format settings.

print   ...

print all; is equivalent to print symbols, formulas, values;

When printing formulas, indirect dependencies on symbol table formulas (due to use of multiple return values) are shown in parentheses, e.g. ($1), ($2), etc.

sort   [byrows|bycols]   range   [uniq [count]]  

Sort the values in the specified range in increasing order. Unused cells and cells containing strings are ignored.

Sort does not evaluate any cell formulas, so eval would normally be used before sorting. After sorting, the value in a cell will not necessarily correspond to the cell formula, since the values will be rearranged but the formulas are not moved or changed.

If the uniq option is specified, duplicate values are eliminated after sorting. For count, specify a cell or symbol which will be set to the number of values which remain after eliminating duplicates. If there are duplicates, the range will not be completely filled by the sorted values and the unused cells at the end of the range will be marked as undefined so they will not be printed when displaying the spreadsheet.

To sort in decreasing order specify a reverse range, e.g. a9:a1 instead of a1:a9.

while(expr)   { commands... }

Repeat commands while a condition is true, i.e. while expr is non-zero. The condition is evaluated without dependency checking, so increment and decrement expressions (++, --) can be used without generating warnings about cyclic dependencies.

Any assignment statements (cell or symbol formulas) appearing in expr and commands will be stored but not evaluated unless a command indirectly causes evaluation or the eval command is explicitly used.

The body of the loop must not contain any '}' characters, and while loops may not be nested. The body is stored in a string and parsed for each loop iteration.


% cat
n = 3; while( n-- > 0) { print symbols; }
% SS

  n = 2
  n = 1
  n = 0
See also:

While Loop Example

16. Simple Statistical Example

Student test scores are scaled to produce grades which have an average of 80 and standard deviation of 15:
% cat

a0:d0 = { "grade", "score", "avg", "stdev"};
mean = avg(b1:b5); c1 = mean; d1 = stdev(b1:b5);
a1 = 80+15*(b1-mean)/$d$1; // scaled scores
copy a2:a5 a1:a4;
b1:b5 = { 57, 67, 92, 87, 76 }; // raw scores
eval; print symbols values formulas pointers;

% SS --Table
  mean = avg(B1:B5) = 75.8
   A  B  C  D
0 grade score avg stdev
1 60.29 57.00 75.80 14.31
2 70.77 67.00
3 96.98 92.00
4 91.74 87.00
5 80.21 76.00
   A  B  C  D
0 "grade" "score" "avg" "stdev"
1 80+((15*(B1-mean))/$D$1) 57 mean stdev(B1:B5)
2 80+((15*(B2-mean))/$D$1) 67
3 80+((15*(B3-mean))/$D$1) 92
4 80+((15*(B4-mean))/$D$1) 87
5 80+((15*(B5-mean))/$D$1) 76
   A  B  C  D
0 0x83cbaf0 0x83cbb40 0x83cbb80 0x83cbbc0
1 0x83cbf80 (nil) 0x83cbd00 0x83cbda0
2 0x83cbf80 (nil)
3 0x83cbf80 (nil)
4 0x83cbf80 (nil)
5 0x83cbf80 (nil)

17. Bank Balance Example

Checking account and Visa credit card transactions are combined into one spreadsheet:
% cat
#if HTML
#define X "<font color=red>0</font>"
#define X "X"

g2:j14 = {g1+(!c2&&d2)*(f2-e2), h1+!(c2&&d2)*(f2-e2), i1+(c2&&!d2)*e2, h2+i2};
format c:d "%g";
g1:j1 = { 1438.62, g1, 0.00, h1+i1 };
a0:j0 = {"2012","Desc","V","x","-","+","Bank","Real","Visa","TrueBal" };
fill a2:f3 {
"12/26",	"Kelly's",	1,	1,	19.97,		,
"12/25",	"Sfly",		1,	1,	25.00,		,
"12/25",	"Netflix",	1,	1,	8.47,		,
"01/03",	"Verizon",	,	1,	100.98,		,
"01/04",	"Mtg",		,	1,	436.58,		,
"01/06",	"AMC",		1,	,	58.63,		,
"01/06",	"Amazon",	1,	,	152.64,		,
"01/11",	"BMSS #2841",	,	X,	10,		,
"01/27",	"PECO",		,	X,	223.02,		,
"01/22",	"BSB",		,	1,	,		300,
"01/23",	"ATT",		,	X,	195.92,		,
eval; headers off; print;
% SS -c 10 --Table
Visa charges are marked with a 1 in column C. Transactions which have been processed by the bank and Visa charges which have been paid are marked by a 1 in column D. The balances in columns G to J use the values from columns C and D in logical expressions such as !C2&&D2 meaning the item was not a credit card transaction and was processed by the bank.

The result shows the bank balance, real balance (including credit card charges and other transactions which have not yet been processed, i.e. how much money you really have left), Visa balance, and true balance (what the bank balance would be if all transactions were processed, not including credit card charges):

2012 Desc V x - + Bank Real Visa TrueBal
1438.62 1438.62 0.00 1438.62
12/26 Kelly's 1 1 19.97 1438.62 1438.62 0.00 1438.62
12/25 Sfly 1 1 25.00 1438.62 1438.62 0.00 1438.62
12/25 Netflix 1 1 8.47 1438.62 1438.62 0.00 1438.62
01/03 Verizon 1 100.98 1337.64 1337.64 0.00 1337.64
01/04 Mtg 1 436.58 901.06 901.06 0.00 901.06
01/06 AMC 1 58.63 901.06 842.43 58.63 901.06
01/06 Amazon 1 152.64 901.06 689.79 211.27 901.06
01/11 BMSS #2841 0 10.00 901.06 679.79 211.27 891.06
01/27 PECO 0 223.02 901.06 456.77 211.27 668.04
01/22 BSB 1 300.00 1201.06 756.77 211.27 968.04
01/23 ATT 0 195.92 1201.06 560.85 211.27 772.12
1201.06 560.85 211.27 772.12
1201.06 560.85 211.27 772.12

18. While Loop Example

This example models a competition among a group of players where each player achieves a set of points and there is a prize for the individual highest score. If there is a tie for the highest score, then the next highest score among those tied is considered to break the tie.

First we find all occurrences of the maximum score, then eliminate duplicates using sort with the uniq option. Then the tied players scores are copied and sorted in decreasing order:

% cat
srand 1374760505; // just to make the docs reproducible,
		  // remove to use default srand(time())
// players
a0:a4 = { "Rick", "Phil", "Harry", "Sam", "Joe" };

// simulated scores
b0:g4 = { irand(11) };

// find all occurrences of max score
{h0,h1:i1} = find(b0:g4,max(b0:g4));  eval;

// range 1...h0 in column c
#define H0(c) Cell(c,1):Cell(c,h0)

// column j will hold the unique row indices from column i
copy H0("j") H0("i");  sort H0("j") uniq j0;

// n will remain constant while j0 counts down to zero
n = j0;  eval symbols; format "%g"; print;

// source and destination for copy
#define N    5			// number of players
#define C1   "a"		// start column for scores
#define CM   "g"		// end column for scores
#define RROW n-j0		// row index for find result
#define SROW cell("j",RROW)	// source row from find result
#define DROW N+RROW		// destination row

#define SRC	    Cell(C1,SROW):Cell(CM,SROW)
#define DEST(c1,cM) Cell(c1,DROW):Cell(cM,DROW)

// copy and sort the tied players scores
while( j0-- > 0) { copy DEST(C1,CM) SRC;  sort DEST(CM,C1); }

print Cell(C1,N+1):Cell(CM,N+n);
% SS

	A	B	C	D	E	F	G	H	I	J
0	Rick	7	10	9	8	0	2	5		3
1	Phil	6	7	4	7	9	5	2	0	0
2	Harry	9	10	1	9	8	10	2	2	2
3	Sam	10	10	2	1	7	2	6	2	3
4	Joe	9	1	3	4	9	8	1	3
5								2	3
	A	B	C	D	E	F	G
6	Rick	10	9	8	7	2	0
7	Harry	10	10	9	9	8	1
8	Sam	10	10	7	2	2	1
H0 is the number of times the highest score occurred (5), and H1:I5 are the corresponding column and row positions. J0 is the number of unique players with the highest score (3), and J1:J3 are the corresponding row positions.

The result is that Rick, Harry, and Sam are tied for the highest score. Looking at their next highest scores, Harry and Sam are still tied but Rick is eliminated, and then the next next highest scores show that Harry is the winner with 9 points vs. Sam's 7.

19. Plot Example

% cat

alpha = 0.05; beta = .4;
fill a0:a99 0, 0.5;
b0:b99 = { exp(-alpha*a0)*cos(beta*a0) };
eval; plot a0:b99;

% SS -p > plot.gif

20. 3D Plot Example

% cat

#define N 50
#define a 0.4

M = ((N/2.0)-0.5);

Cell(1,1):Cell(N,N) = { (sin(a*(row()-M))/(row()-M)) *
                        (sin(a*(col()-M))/(col()-M)) };

eval; plot3d Cell(1,1):Cell(N,N);

% SS -p3 > plot3d.gif

21. llsq "data" Example

%  cat

// From
// Thunder Basin Antelope Study
// The data (X1, X2, X3, X4) are for each year.
// X1 = spring fawn count/100
// X2 = size of adult antelope population/100
// X3 = annual precipitation (inches)
// X4 = winter severity index (1=mild,5=severe)
b0:c0 = { "Err", "Est" }; h0 = "Coeff";
fill d0:g1 {
"X1",	"X2",	"X3",	"X4",
2.9,	9.2,	13.2,	2,	// 8 sets of measured data
2.4,	8.7,	11.5,	3,
2,	7.2,	10.8,	4,
2.3,	8.5,	12.3,	2,
3.2,	9.6,	12.6,	3,
1.9,	6.8,	10.6,	5,
3.4,	9.7,	14.1,	1,
2.1,	7.9,	11.2,	3,
,	,	,	,
,	10,	10,	1,	// predict fawn count for these inputs
,	10,	10,	3,
,	10,	10,	5
{rank,h1:h3} = llsq("data",e1:g8,d1:d8);
b1:c8 = { c1-d1, dot($h$1:$h$3,e1:g1) };
h5 = sqrt(dot(b1:b8,b1:b8)); // norm(Err)
c10:c12 = { dot($h$1:$h$3,e10:g10) }; // predictions
eval; format h "%.6g"; print symbols values;

% SS -T
  rank = 3
  $1 = {rank,H1:H3} = llsq("data",E1:G8,D1:D8) = 3
   B  C  D  E  F  G  H
0 Err Est X1 X2 X3 X4 Coeff
1 -0.02 2.88 2.90 9.20 13.20 2.00 0.32251
2 0.19 2.59 2.40 8.70 11.50 3.00 0.0103248
3 -0.01 1.99 2.00 7.20 10.80 4.00 -0.110479
4 0.35 2.65 2.30 8.50 12.30 2.00
5 -0.31 2.89 3.20 9.60 12.60 3.00 0.619503
6 -0.15 1.75 1.90 6.80 10.60 5.00
7 -0.24 3.16 3.40 9.70 14.10 1.00
8 0.23 2.33 2.10 7.90 11.20 3.00
10 3.22 10.00 10.00 1.00
11 3.00 10.00 10.00 3.00
12 2.78 10.00 10.00 5.00

22. llsq "poly" Example

% cat

// creates noisy polynomial data values,
// then finds LLSQ approximation to the data

srand 23456;	// just to make the docs reproducible,
		// remove to use default srand(time())

#define M 11	// number of data points
#define N 3	// number of llsq coefficients

#define xCell(c,r) c ## r
#define Range(c1,r1,c2,r2) xCell(c1,r1):xCell(c2,r2)

#define X Range(a,1,a,M)	// X,Y input data points
#define Y Range(b,1,b,M)

#define Z Range(c,1,c,M)	// poly approximation Y values
#define Err  Range(d,1,d,M)	// error
#define Coef Range($e$,1,$e$,N) // poly coefficients

fill X 0, 2/(M-1); a0:e0 = { "X", "Y", "Est", "Err", "Coef" };

Y = { 2+a1*(-2+a1) + (drand()-0.5)/5 }; // y = 2-2*x+x*x + noise

{rank,Coef} = llsq("poly",X,Y); Z = { feval("poly",Coef,a1) };

Err  = { R[]C[-2]-R[]C[-1] }; err = sqrt(dot(Err,Err));

eval; plot "poly.out" Range(a,1,c,M);

format "%10.6f"; format A "%5.2f"; print all;

% cat
#! /bin/sh

SS -t poly -H > poly.html

printf "set term gif\nset output\nplot 'poly.out' using 1:2 with points notitle,\
 'poly.out' using 1:3 with lines notitle\n" | gnuplot > poly.gif

rm poly.out

# the points are the original noisy data,
# the line is the polynomial approximation to the data
% ./

23. search Example

% cat

// creates noisy exponential data values y = 2*exp(0.5*x),
// then finds minimum max-absolute-error approximation z = f1*exp(f2*x)

srand 12345;	// just to make the docs reproducible,
		// remove to use default srand(time())

#define M 11	// number of data points

#define xCell(c,r) c ## r
#define Range(c1,r1,c2,r2) xCell(c1,r1):xCell(c2,r2)

#define X Range(a,1,a,M)	// X,Y input data points
#define Y Range(b,1,b,M)

#define Z Range(c,1,c,M)	// approximation Y values
#define Err  Range(d,1,d,M)	// absolute error
#define Coef f1:f2		// exponential coefficients

fill X 0, 4/(M-1); a0:f0 = { "X", "Y", "Est", "Err", "maxErr", "Coef" };

Y = { 2*exp(0.5*a1) + 4*drand()-2 }; // y = 2*exp(0.5*x) + noise

Z = { $f$1*exp($f$2*a1) }; Err  = { fabs(R[]C[-2]-R[]C[-1]) };

e1 = max(Err); // e1 is the max-absolute-error to be minimized

{Coef} = search(e1,3,0.3); // start search with f1=3, f2=0.3

// evaluate Y just once here,
// otherwise search() will evaluate it multiple times
eval Y;

// eval symbols will evaluate search() which will evaluate everything else
eval symbols; plot "exp.out" Range(a,1,c,M);

format "%10.6f"; format A "%5.2f"; print all;

% cat
#! /bin/sh

SS -t exp -H > exp.html

printf "set term gif\nset output\nplot 'exp.out' using 1:2 with points notitle,\
 'exp.out' using 1:3 with lines notitle\n" | gnuplot > exp.gif

rm exp.out

# the points are the original noisy data,
# the line is the exponential approximation to the data
% ./

24. Reentrancy

All of the numeric and range functions are reentrant. This means that while a function is executing it may be invoked one or more additional times and the invocations will not interfere with each other.

For example, in sin(2*sin(x)) the first call to the sin() function starts computing 2*... and to complete the expression sin() is invoked again, as sin(x), and that result is used in the multiplication by 2 in the first call.

An example of reentrancy using a range function is max(1+max(a1:a9),2+max(c1:c9)).

Although the range functions llsq and search are also reentrant, they can not be used more than once in the same expression because they return multiple values; they can only be used in multiple assignment statements. However, more than one invocation may be active at the same time, as demonstrated in the following example which minimizes g() to find the value of a3 to use while minimizing f() with respect to a1 and a2:

%  cat

// minimize f(a1,a2,a3) with respect to a1,a2
// where a3 minimizes g(a1,a2,a3) given a1,a2
f = (a1-1)**2 + (a2-2)**2 + a3**2;
g = (a3-a1)**2 + (a3-a2)**2;
{a1:a2} = search(f,3,4); {a3:a3} = search(g,2);
eval; print all;

% SS

  f = (((A1-1)**2)+((A2-2)**2))+(A3**2) = 1.49991
  g = ((A3-A1)**2)+((A3-A2)**2) = 0.501364
  $1 = {A1:A2} = search(f,3,4) = 1.49991
  $2 = {A3:A3} = search(g,2) = 0.501364
1	($1)
2	($1)
3	($2)
1	0.50
2	1.50
3	1.00
This example can easily be analyzed by hand to confirm the above results. Setting the derivative of g() with respect to a3 equal to zero yields a3=(a1+a2)/2. Using that result in f() and setting the derivatives of f() with respect to a1 and a2 to zero yields a1=0.5 and a2=1.5, so then a3=1.0.

25. Keywords and Names

Most keywords are reserved words and can not be used as column names (in the format command) or as variable names (in the symbol table). The only exceptions are the two-letter keywords RC, CR, on, and OR, for convenience since two letters can be used in A0 format to name columns in the default spreadsheet size.

OR is case-insensitive when used as an operator or column name, but is case-sensitive when used as a variable name.

Column names can be used as variable names.

The named operators (NOT, AND, XOR, OR, IMP, EQU, int, long, double), the names of the numeric and range functions, and the names of the commands are all keywords.

stdout, byrows, bycols and the print options constants, formats, formulas, functions, pointers, states, symbols, values are all keywords.

26. Cycles and Convergence

If a cell depends on itself, that forms a cycle and the spreadsheet may not converge when evaluated.

Cycles which converge can be used to implement iterative algorithms. For example, the following spreadsheet uses Newton's method to find the square root of x:

% cat

x = 2;
a0 = b0 ? b0 : x/2;
b0 = (a0+x/a0)/2;
format "%20.18g";
Since a0 depends on b0, and b0 depends on a0, there is a cycle.

a0 will be set to b0 if b0 is non-zero, otherwise a0 will be set to x/2 to initialize the algorithm. So a0 represents the previous value of b0, and b0 represents the next estimate of the square root. Newton's method converges quickly:

% echo "print all; eval a0:b0 10; print values;" | SS -T -
  x = 2
   A  B
0 B0 ? B0 : ((x/2)) (A0+(x/A0))/2
   A  B
0 0 0
eval: converged after 7 iterations
   A  B
0 1.41421356237309492 1.41421356237309492

Finite element analysis is another application which requires iteration and can be set up in a spreadsheet. In the following small example, the value of each non-boundary cell is computed as the average of the cell's four nearest neighbors.

% cat

// average of 4 nearest neighbors
R1C1:R5C5 = { (R[]C[-1] + R[]C[+1] + R[-1]C[] + R[+1]C[])/4 };
fill r0c0:r0c6 1, 0;  // boundary conditions,
fill r1c0:r6c0 1, 0;  //  1's top and left
fill r1c6:r6c6 0, 0;  //  0's right and bottom
fill r6c1:r6c5 0, 0;
format "%6.4f"; format RC;

% echo "print values; eval 1; eval 1000; print values;" | SS -
	0	1	2	3	4	5	6
0	1.0000	1.0000	1.0000	1.0000	1.0000	1.0000	1.0000
1	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
2	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
3	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
4	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
5	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
6	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
eval: still changing after 1 iteration
eval: converged after 75 iterations
	0	1	2	3	4	5	6
0	1.0000	1.0000	1.0000	1.0000	1.0000	1.0000	1.0000
1	1.0000	0.9374	0.8747	0.8040	0.7010	0.5000	0.0000
2	1.0000	0.8747	0.7576	0.6404	0.5000	0.2990	0.0000
3	1.0000	0.8040	0.6404	0.5000	0.3596	0.1960	0.0000
4	1.0000	0.7010	0.5000	0.3596	0.2424	0.1253	0.0000
5	1.0000	0.5000	0.2990	0.1960	0.1253	0.0626	0.0000
6	1.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000	0.0000
The spreadsheet may not converge when using operators ++, --, +=, *=, etc. and the rand, irand, or drand pseudo-random number generator functions, since they produce varying values on each evaluation. However, these operators and functions are still useful, in particular for Monte-Carlo simulations.

The following simple example generates pseudo-random values for a0, with b0 representing the sum, c0 the evaluation count, and d0 the average:

% cat

srand 34567;	// just to make the docs reproducible,
		// remove to use default srand(time())
a0 = drand();
b0 += a0;
d0 = b0/++c0;
eval a0:d0 10; print values;

% ss <
eval: still changing after 10 iterations
	A	B	C	D
0	0.91	5.37	10.00	0.54

27. Debugging

Debugging of the flex scanner and bison parser is enabled using the -d command-line option.

Additional debugging of internal operations is enabled using the debug command. debug off sets the debug level to 0, debug on sets the level to 1, and debug 2 sets the level to 2. Currently, 2 is the highest debug level implemented and produces output for each cell when traversing a range.

A list of the internal functions which implement all of the operators and functions can be obtained using the print functions command.

print states; displays the evaluation states and indirect dependencies of the symbols and cells. State 0 indicates that the associated formula has not been evaluated, and state 1 indicates that it has been evaluated. If there is an indirect dependency it is shown in parentheses following the state value.

28. Extensions

Numeric and range functions can be added simply by creating files in the source nf/ and rf/ subdirectories and recompiling. The first line of each function must be a comment specifying the number of return values, number of arguments, and description. The description will appear in the internal help listing and will also be included in the documentation after running make in the doc/ subdirectory.

Source example, nf/atan2.c:

/* 1 2 four-quadrant arctangent, atan2(y,x) ~= atan(y/x)
double nf_atan2(const Node *n, const Cell *c)
  Node *r = Right(n);

  return atan2( eval_tree( r, c), eval_tree( r->next, c) );

Constants can be added using install_constant() at the end of main() in
  install_constant( "HUGE_VAL", HUGE_VAL, 0);
  install_constant( "DBL_EPSILON", DBL_EPSILON, 0);
  install_constant( "RAND_MAX", RAND_MAX, "%.0f");

29. Some Implementation Details

soelim (a standard Unix utility) is used to construct the parser flex and bison source files from,, and the numeric and range functions defined in the nf/ and rf/ subdirectories. Temporary files used for compilation are created in a tmp/ subdirectory.

In the doc/ subdirectory, soelim is also used to construct the documentation from and temporary files created by running SS to obtain the example outputs and lists of operators, functions, etc. The documentation is processed using sdf (Simple Document Format) to create a single HTML file as well as separate files for each section.

The internal data structures include: Cell, containing row and column numbers and flags for the row or column being fixed or relative; Range, a set of two Cells indicating the start and end of a rectangular region of the spreadsheet; Symbol, containing the name and formula of a symbol; and Node, which can hold a Cell, Range, Symbol, numeric value, string, operator, function code, or pointers to children Nodes in a binary tree. Nodes also contain a next pointer used to form linked-lists of expressions, such as function argument lists.

All operators and functions are stored in a table func indexed by the operator character value or function code. This makes it easy to evaluate operators and functions, i.e. in func.c eval_tree() for Node t:

  r = func[t->type]->f( t, ref_cell);
Numeric vs. Range functions

All of the numeric functions take a fixed number of arguments; most of the range functions take an indefinite list of arguments, but some of them (dot, feval, and llsq) take a fixed number of arguments. The essential difference between numeric and range functions is that arguments which are ranges are expanded into lists of cells for a numeric function, whereas for a range function they are left as ranges. Internally this difference makes it easier to evaluate numeric functions because they never have to traverse a range.

Range return values for numeric functions are also expanded into lists of cells. For range functions, range return values may or may not be expanded into lists of cells, depending on the function; for stats they are expanded, but for llsq they are not (since llsq needs to know the size of the coefficient return value range).

The following example demonstrates that the range argument of pow (a numeric function) is expanded into a list of cells, whereas the range arguments of stats, llsq, and sum (range functions) are left as ranges. The return values of frexp and stats are expanded into lists of cells, whereas the return value of llsq is not.

% cat

a0 = pow(b0:c0); {a1:a4} = stats(b0:c0); a5 = sum(b0:c0);
{a6,a7:a8} = llsq("poly",b0:c0,b1:c1); {a9:a10} = frexp(sqrt(2));
print symbols formulas;

% ss <
  $1 = {A1,A2,A3,A4} = stats(B0:C0) = 0
  $2 = {A6,A7:A8} = llsq("poly",B0:C0,B1:C1) = 0
  $3 = {A9,A10} = frexp(sqrt(2)) = 0
	A	B	C
0	pow(B0,C0)
1	($1)
2	($1)
3	($1)
4	($1)
5	sum(B0:C0)
6	($2)
7	($2)
8	($2)
9	($3)
10	($3)