c3.3 p95 PRACTICE! In Problems 1 through 7, draw a flowchart to perform the steps indicated. Then give the corresponding C statements. Assume that the variables have been declared and have reasonable values. 1: If time is greater than 15.0, increment time by 1.0. 2: When the square root of poly is less than 0.5, print the value of poly. 3: If the difference between volt_1 and volt_2 is larger than 10.0, print the values of volt_1 and volt_2. 4: If the value of den is less than 0.05, set result to zero; otherwise, set result equal to num divided by den. 5: If the natural logarithm of x is greater than or equal to 3, set time equal to zero and decrement count. 6: If dist is less than 50.0 and time is greater than 10.0, increment time by 2; otherwise, increment time by 2.5. 7: If dist is greater than or equal to 100.0, increment time by 2.0. If dist is between 50 and 100, increment time by 1. Otherwise, increment time by 0.5. --- c3.3 p97 PRACTICE! Convert the following nested if/else statements to a switch statement: if (rank==1 || rank==2) printf("Lower division \n"); else { if (rank==3 || rank==4) printf("Upper division \n"); else { if (rank==5) printf("Graduate student \n"); else printf("Invalid rank \n"); } }