5. Exercises
If disk.py fails with error "ImportError: No module named Tkinter":
sudo apt install -y python-tk
or just comment out the line:from Tkinter import *
and don't use the graphics -G optionExercises from the book using disk.py:
Defaults: Seek time = 40 per track, Rotate time = 30 per sector
$ python ./disk.py -a 7,30,8 -c -p FIFO REQUESTS [7, 30, 8] Block: 7 Seek: 0 Rotate: 15 Transfer: 30 Total: 45 Block: 30 Seek: 80 Rotate:220 Transfer: 30 Total: 330 Block: 8 Seek: 80 Rotate:310 Transfer: 30 Total: 420 TOTALS Seek:160 Rotate:545 Transfer: 90 Total: 795 $ python ./disk.py -a 7,30,8 -c -p SATF REQUESTS [7, 30, 8] Block: 7 Seek: 0 Rotate: 15 Transfer: 30 Total: 45 Block: 8 Seek: 0 Rotate: 0 Transfer: 30 Total: 30 Block: 30 Seek: 80 Rotate:190 Transfer: 30 Total: 300 TOTALS Seek: 80 Rotate:205 Transfer: 90 Total: 375