ARG address space size 1m ARG phys mem size 64m ARG page size 64k The format of the page table is simple: The high-order (left-most) bit is the VALID bit. If the bit is 1, the rest of the entry is the PFN. If the bit is 0, the page is not valid. Page Table (from entry 0 down to the max size) [ 0] 0x8000000a [ 1] 0x80000131 [ 2] 0x800000c6 [ 3] 0x800000a5 [ 4] 0x00000000 [ 5] 0x8000023f [ 6] 0x00000000 [ 7] 0x8000016b [ 8] 0x8000005d [ 9] 0x800001a6 [ 10] 0x80000097 [ 11] 0x800000c2 [ 12] 0x80000018 [ 13] 0x800003de [ 14] 0x800002fa [ 15] 0x00000000 All addresses are in hex For each virtual address, write down the physical address it translates to OR use 0 for PA to indicate invalid, i.e. segfault.
VA 0x000f0b37 (decimal: 985911) --> Invalid (VPN 15 not valid) VA 0x000deea9 (decimal: 913065) --> 0x03deeea9 (decimal 64941737) [VPN 13] VA 0x000c5557 (decimal: 808279) --> 0x00185557 (decimal 1594711) [VPN 12] VA 0x0002dcab (decimal: 187563) --> 0x00c6dcab (decimal 13032619) [VPN 2] VA 0x0001978d (decimal: 104333) --> 0x0131978d (decimal 20027277) [VPN 1] VA 0x0006a1ed (decimal: 434669) --> Invalid (VPN 6 not valid) VA 0x000e2b29 (decimal: 928553) --> 0x02fa2b29 (decimal 49949481) [VPN 14] VA 0x00093fd7 (decimal: 606167) --> 0x01a63fd7 (decimal 27672535) [VPN 9] VA 0x000bc90b (decimal: 772363) --> 0x00c2c90b (decimal 12765451) [VPN 11] VA 0x0003b8d1 (decimal: 243921) --> 0x00a5b8d1 (decimal 10860753) [VPN 3]