ARG address space size 2048 ARG phys mem size 32768 Base-and-Bounds register information: Base : 333 Limit : 1002 All values are in decimal For each virtual address, either write down the physical address it translates to OR write down that it is an out-of-bounds address (a segmentation violation). For this problem, you should assume a simple virtual address space of a given size. Use 0 for PA to indicate a segmentation violation.
Base-and-Bounds register information: Base : 0x0000014d decimal 333 Limit : 1002 Virtual Address Trace VA 0: 0x0000069a decimal: 1690 --> SEGMENTATION VIOLATION VA 1: 0x00000264 decimal: 612 --> VALID: 0x000003b1 decimal: 945 VA 2: 0x000002f3 decimal: 755 --> VALID: 0x00000440 decimal: 1088 VA 3: 0x0000018d decimal: 397 --> VALID: 0x000002da decimal: 730 VA 4: 0x00000487 decimal: 1159 --> SEGMENTATION VIOLATION VA 5: 0x0000014b decimal: 331 --> VALID: 0x00000298 decimal: 664 VA 6: 0x000000ff decimal: 255 --> VALID: 0x0000024c decimal: 588 VA 7: 0x00000377 decimal: 887 --> VALID: 0x000004c4 decimal: 1220 min bounds = 1691 max base = 31077
What is the minimum value of the bounds register so that all of the virtual addresses above are within bounds:
What is the maximum value of the base register such that all of the virtual addresses above would fit into physical memory: