ARG address space size 2048 ARG phys mem size 32768 Segment register information: Segment 0 base (grows positive) : 27040 Segment 0 limit : 725 Segment 1 base (grows negative) : 10302 Segment 1 limit : 517 All values are in decimal For each virtual address, either write down the physical address it translates to OR write down that it is an out-of-bounds address (a segmentation violation). For this problem, you should assume a simple address space with two segments: the top bit of the virtual address can thus be used to check whether the virtual address is in segment 0 (topbit=0) or segment 1 (topbit=1). Note that the base/limit pairs given to you grow in different directions, depending on the segment, i.e., segment 0 grows in the positive direction, whereas segment 1 in the negative. Use 0 for PA to indicate a segmentation violation.
Highest legal virtual address in segment 0:
Lowest legal virtual address in segment 1: