2. Constants and Variables

character constants:  'a',  'A',  'Z'  (equivalent to integers 97, 65, 90)

integer constants:  0,  1,  -2,  153

double precision floating point constants:  0.0,  0.1e99,  -2.,  .1,  3e-3

symbolic constants (preprocessor macros):

  #define NMAX 101

  #define PI (4*atan(1))

letters: a-z A-Z _  (underscore is a letter),     digits: 0-9

identifier (variable name): one letter, then more letters or digits

basic data types:       void, char, int,  double
printf output formats:        %c    %i    %e,%f,%g
scanf input formats:          %c    %i    %lf (means "long float")
See: chapter2_1.c - %c vs. %i formats

numeric data types (from page 31, including char and long long)


C Keywords