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Re: P05 Test

> ... I used fortune with rev to test so you get a reversed fortune.

fortune and rev is pretty cool, almost looks like encryption:

 $ ./pipe fortune rev
 :dehsinif si htrae no noissim ruoy rehtehw dnif ot tset a si ereH
 .t'nsi ti ,evila er'uoy fi

Another possibility for the 2nd child is tac, which is like a backwards cat, it prints the
lines in reverse order.  Only interesting if there is more than one line of output:

 $ ./pipe fortune tac
 means that only left handed people are in their right mind.
 The right half of the brain controls the left half of the body.  This

How about combining rev and tac with some additional shell pipelines:

 $ fortune | ./pipe rev tac
 .esrevinU eht fo egdE eht ta tnaruatseR ehT --
 .gnivil eht no detsaw si efiL
 $ fortune | ./pipe rev tac | ./pipe rev tac
 Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing.
                 -- Wernher von Braun

pipe rev tac can be undone using another pipe rev tac or pipe tac rev.